St. Cecilia's Church and Queen of Heaven Catholic Church


Mission Statement

To prayerfully foster the a​wareness, promotion and support of vocations through, education, action and affirmation. With the HOLY SPIRIT, we will create a culture that responds to and supports each persons’ call to holiness; Married, Single, Consecrated, Religious, Deacon, Priest.

For a long time, we have been praying for vocations. The Parishes’ newly formed Vocation Ministry with the guidance of the Holy Spirit,  will help us understand what a vocation means and entails. 

Check out the bulletin boards at the front of both churches, they are loaded with pictures of young people from the Diocese of Ogdensburg who are discerning a Vocation in the priesthood or religious life. Please keep these young people in your prayers while they discern a very important decision. If you are contemplating this important Vocation, please contact Father Decker @ 315- 232-2392.

Commissioned Lay Ministry

God gives us gifts to be shared. Our parishes have many lay people who through their service to the church enhance our liturgies, reach out to others, and promote the faith. Are you called to serve your church? In our parishes, Commission Lay Ministers serve at Liturgies, visit and bring Holy Communion to the homebound, are catechists, serve on parish council, and are active in many parish activities and ministries. The Commissioned Lay Ministry Program offered through the Diocese is a 2-year program of study in which participant learn more about and grow in their faith, allowing them to better serve at the parish level. For more information, speak to the pastor or visit the Diocese of Ogdensburg website at or call 315-393-2920.


"When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel." (General Instruction of the Roman Missal no. 29). 

The Lector proclaims the first and second readings from Sacred Scripture. He may also announce the Intentions and, if not done by the cantor, may read the Psalm. Training is available by the Deacon. 

"Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you, that His flame be bright in your heart as you joyfully proclaim His Word."

Volunteers collate the Ministry Schedule on a quarterly basis. If you would like to volunteer for St. Cecilia’s please contact, Lorraine Caramanna at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and for Queen of Heaven Eunice Wescott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you may also contact the parish office or speak to our Deacon or the pastor.

Parish Ministry

The lay people build up the Body of Christ in our parish by participating in various ministries. These include: ministers at Mass (greeter, lector, altar server, Extraordinary Minister of Communion, music ministry). Other ministries include: cleaning the church, altar linens, flowers for the altar, small sewing projects, office help, landscaping, visiting shut-ins, small carpentry projects, fundraising, preparing food for social functions.  

Family Ministry

Nina Hershey, a commissioned lay minister, provides help to families with various needs. Her number is (315) 938-7363.

Knights of Columbus

The Msgr. T. Walter Cleary Council 7364 meets on the first and third Monday of each month. The first Monday includes a business meetin​g by members. Families are invited on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Kehoe Center with Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction. 

The Knights of Columbus are the world’s largest Catholic fraternal organization. Membership is open to “practical Catholic” men at least 18 years of age. It’s a wonderful way to make new Catholic friends and to get involved in service to the Church and its mission, and we’re always open to new members. Learn a little about the history of K of C in this Wikipedia article.

Visit the Knight of Columbus website.

Ministry to the Sick and Homebound

Anyone who has a loved one confined to home is invited to contact the office to arrange for a Eucharistic Minister to bring Communion. Due to the HIPA laws, we are not aware of all those hospitalized, if you have a loved one hospitalized and in need of the Sacrament of Anointing please, contact the parish office.


OCIA is a journey unlike any other in this world. It is a journey from death to life, from darkness to light, from partial truth to the fullness of truth, from the kingdom of man to the kingdom of God. The fullness of this journey is found in one place on earth, The Roman Catholic Church. (Cf. Romans 5:21; John 8:3, 14:6; Luke 17:20-21). Welcome Home classes will be offered for anyone interested in becoming a Catholic. Join us in a relaxed, open and spiritual environment. We will follow the school calendar. Our adult leaders follow the structure of our Catholic faith. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact the office at 315-232-2392.

Thinking about joining the Catholic Church but not sure where to start?   The (OCIA) Order Christian Initiation for Adults Inquiry stage is the starting place for adults who are thinking about entering the Catholic Church. Are you a Catholic adult who never made your confirmation? Don’t let that stop you from learning more about your Catholic faith and fully participating in Parish life. All are welcome!  

For more information speak to the pastor or deacon or contact the parish office at 315-232-2392.

Christian Formation

Our Christian Formation Program includes students in grades K to 10th grade and all adults interested in building their faith. Classes are held from September to May, generally around the school schedule. To register a student, please contact the Christian Formation Catechesis, Mrs. Laura Mallan at the Parish Office or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download the registration form:  Religious Education Registration Form. 
Christian Formation Class Schedule 2024-2025

The Ladies of St. Cecilia’s

Mission Statement

In friendliness, the Ladies of St. Cecilia welcome all women of the Parish. Whenever called upon, we will enhance spiritual activities and provide hospitality with the compassion, kindness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit. We are also committed to serving our Parish and community through charitable contributions. We have two rummage sales with a bake sale (spring and fall) a year. We work from Monday to Saturday setting up, selling and cleaning up. Our average income is about $2,000 each. The money we raise has bought the lectern and presider chairs for the Sanctuary. We also paid to have a chalice refurbished. We pay for Living Faith and ½ the Word Among Us, reading materials to enhance our spiritual growth. We gave a sizeable donation to the new handicap ramp. We offer scholarships for Guggenheim (summer camp for youth) and support other youth ministry programs. Our other service to the Parish community is providing luncheons for funerals. We meet 6 times a year (Sept, Oct, Nov, Mar, Apr, and May). We take a break from meetings during the summer and reconvene in September with the Fall Rummage Sale being the first order of business. All women of St. Cecilia’s are welcome to join us. 

At the June meeting, the Ladies Group had their annual election of officers.  Current officers are: 
President :  Linda Hludzenski 
Vice President : 
Secretary : Maureen McGraw  
Treasurer : Mary MacIlvennie 

We are currently looking to update our roster. Please fill out the form at the bottom. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Linda Hludzenski at 315-232-2329. Thank you

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Dear God Please Inspire us to gladden the hearts of all people by filling the world with your gifts of kindness and love.     

Family/Youth Ministry Group

Open to all families and children with  various events and activities through the year for them to participate in. We welcome all children and family to take advantage of this experience and to join us anytime during the year for new and exciting adventures. 


They have attended Youth Masses and  traveled to NYC to see the Pope, Kingdom Bound, and Steubenville East. They help others by preparing Christmas goodies for shut-ins and care packages for college students. They attended a “lock-in” in October. On January 18, 2015, ten members of our youth group, along with their chaperones,  travelled to Washington DC to participate in the March for Life.  They saw some of the sights, participated in the rally and attended the March for Life with hundreds of thousands of others to witness to their faith and defend life. What a wonderful testimony.

Ministry Schedules

Everyone is invited to participate in any of the various ministries.  We have regular training for lectors and eucharistic ministers. We are always in need of ushers, greeters, altar servers and musicians as well.  If you are interested in participating in any of these ministries or would like more information about any of them feel free to contact us. 

We are most blessed and fortunate to have two volunteers that format each church ministry schedule.  Please feel free to contact them with any questions or changes.  If you are unable to serve in your ministry, please arrange for your substitute. 

St. Cecilia’s Church: Lorraine Carramanna 315-408-8147 or email at   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Queen of Heaven: Eunice Wescott 315-938-7333 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.